Long Island Dahlia Society

July Happenings at the Wolkoff Garden

Hello LIDS Members!

This Summer is turning out to be quite hot and humid. We are getting some rain in between the heat, but at night its breezy and tends to dry out the soil. Your Dahlias will begin to show signs of stress when it gets to humid during the day. If they are already flowering they may droop as they are a Fall flower and like temperatures cool. You could turn on the hose after watering and just mist them. Your Dahlias will bounce right back. Some growers put up a sun shade or use open umbrellas to shield the Dahlias from the heat, it really helps with the color too.

I hope you all take the time to sit back and relax in your favorite lounge chair or hammock and enjoy the fruits of your labor with a cool drink!

If you are NEW to our Dahlia Society, Welcome! You have an open invitation to always come down on Wednesday, Thursday and/or Saturday. Our expert Garden Director, Joe Lysik is always on hand to explain to you all things Dahlia. He wants you to learn and grow Dahlias in your garden so you too will become a Dahlia addict. Our wonderful Garden Associates and volunteers are also on hand to answer your questions.


Good & Welfare

To our Garden Director, Board Members, and all the volunteers who work tirelessly starting in January..."Thank You!" Your efforts and engagements during sales have made this year's fundraising the best year yet! The Dahlia garden continues to thrive and looks so beautiful. LIDS volunteers rock!

Congratulations to our own Kelli Abercrombie who got married among the Dahlias at the Wolkoff garden on the 4th of July 2024. We ALL wish you and your Husband Love & Happiness always!

Sending healing thoughts to Mrs. Casey (Brendan) on her road to recovery.


Our Annual "Pot Luck" Summer Picnic in August

August 10th, 2024 at 12:30 PM (Rain or Shine)

Held at the Wolkoff Garden on Saturday

LIDS Members, Family & Friends are all welcome! Held every Summer at the Wolkoff garden, our picnic is a wonderful way for our members to wanderthrough the garden which is in full bloom, relax with your fellow gardeners, guests and enjoy good food. A great time to take photos of the dahlias and enter them in the Photo Competition in August.

February 2014 Newsletter

Pot Luck Picnic: Please bring a covered dish (half a tray) dessert and/or salad to share for about six people. If you want to bring a chair, otherwise, we will have chairs, sternos, condiments, paper products, and soft drinks provided.

We usually have a "All Things Garden" raffle table. I am not sure if the newlyweds will make it to the picnic (Kelli usually handles this.) So if you have any garden related item(s) plants, book veggies etc., you can bring it down for anyone who wants it.


Upcoming Events

LIDS Dahlia Show & Photo Competition
August 31st and September 1st, 2024

Other Local Show Dates

Connecticut - August 24th, 2024

Rhode Island - September 7th and the ADS National Show

Mid-Island Dahlia Society - September 14th, 2024

New England - September 28th, 2024

Greenwich - September 21st, 2024


Happy Summer Gardening

Kristine Nicolosi, Corresponding Secretary

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