2014 Dahlia Shows

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1st 2014 Dahlia Show Results

Dahlias galore at the show! - Photo by Dee Cunningham
And the winners are!
- King (Best AA or A) - AC Ben - Marg Schnerr
- Queen (Best B) - Hamari Accord - Donna Paternostro
- Prince (Best BB) - Verrone's Sandia J - Donna Paternostro
- Princess (Best Min) - Glenbank Twinkle - Bill Allgeier
- Neckerman Award (Best Nenekazi) - Joe Lysik
- Flower of Show (Best 2201) - Magic Moment - Kris and Lenny Nicolosi
- Best AA ID - Ayer's Glory - Warren Gramman
- Best 3A - Vassio Meggos - Joe Bonomo
- Best B C - AC Abby - Joe Lysik
- Best 3B FD or ID - Gloriosa - Joe Bonomo
- Best 3B SC/C/IC/LC - AC Abby - Joe Lysik
- Best 3 Min ID - Brookside J Cooley - Kris and Lenny Nicolosi
- Best Anemone - Alpen Fury - Lorraine and Rich Loughlin
- Best Novelty Open Center - Austin's Bo - Joe Lysik
- Best 3 Collarette - Dark Suspense - Joe Lysik
- Best 3 Orchid - Honka - Joe Lysik
- Best Single - Lu Lu Island Mom - Joe Lysik
- Best 3 Single - Eclipse - Joe Lysik
- Best Mignon Single – Inflammation - Joe Lysik
- Best Orchid Basket - Joe Lysik
- Best Large Novice - Lynn Schiller
- Best Large New Introduction - ADS Centennial - Kris and Lenny Nicolosi
- Best Novice Medium - Colorado Classic – Hollly Sisti
- Best Open Centered Undessiminated Seedling – Holly Sisti

Magic Moment - Kris and Lenny Nicolosi with their “Magic Moment” Flower of Show (Best 2201)